Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Grad Mag

Final lap in TTC is tough .. real tough .. climbing the steep hill of deadlines and to manage our Graduation Magazine ... it's crazy ...people are busy studying and doing their papers like mad in the lib ... Pris and I (and a few members) absolutely devoted our time, energy and brains on magazine .... putting the entire magazine together ....

Pris is even worst because she has to manage those who are suppose to be "working out their parts" but have not .... and not .... till today, there are still important articles are not in .... the photos need to be re-taken because people who are not suppose to be in the picture is in .... having to manage the mess of the advertisement forms and entertain all sorts of calls from sponsors etc ....

Like the analogy of a body, each of us plays an important role and when one part of the body does not ... the entire body suffers and sometimes, another part of the body has to come in to shoulder the task or job of the failing organ ... like when one eye is lazy eye, the other eye needs to work extra hard to ensure visual seem is still good ....

Lord have mercy .. Lord have mercy .... ....... .... ( ... unspoken words ....) At the end of the day ... we want to do up a good magazine that captures our 3 years journey and recounting God's blessings and faithfulness in our journey here.

To my fellow team members ... especially Pris ... hang in there .. the Lord will see us thru ... though the road becomes even steeper .... the Lord will see us thru ..... at the end of the day, we will be accountable to God ....
Let our service be like a living sacrifice ..... an act of worship to Him!

p/s : this is in appreciation of what you are doing dear .... (:0) ... GB the hard labor of your hands

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