Friday, February 22, 2013

My Prayers were answered (Poem)

I asked God for strength that I might achieve;
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for help that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.

I asked for riches that I might be happy;
I was given poverty that I might be wise.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.

I was given nothing that I asked for;
But everything that I had hoped for.

Despite myself, my prayers were answered;
I am among all people [men] most richly blessed.

–– Anonymous

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pre-CNY Fellowship "Peng Bak Kwa"

Baw Kaw over the homemade pit
This is one of the pre-CNY activity that I come to appreciate and look forward to since I serve in SFM .... "peng-bak-kwa" fellowship!!!

Young and old .... enjoying Peng Bak Kwa Fellowship
Every year, BY aunty will be the one who will organize the program --- from getting orders to purchasing the raw bak kwa to buy the charcoal, wire netting .... to providing some refreshments and snacks to cleaning up of the place .... She indeed has been a tremendous blessing to us with her unceasing hands and feet serving us in projects like this or intercession --- she is also our prayer warrior!

From as early as 6+, close to 7 ... people start to come to church to start the fire etc ... this year ... we have only one homemade pit since the orders to BBQ them is lesser but cos its only one pit, it took a longer time than our previous years.

End product .... yum .... and fragrant ...
So, young and old came .... we can really feel the warmth of the fellowship and CNY mood ... some came to "peng" (BBQ) ... some came to help "peng" cos they enjoy doing this ... some like me... came to help eat and contribute in fellowship .. hehhe ... the kids will have the most fun cos they will have the entire church hall to play ... run ... and "snack" on those baw kwa that is on cooling off mode on the table. So, it really give one the CNY family mood ... almost like making kuih kak pek (love letters) ...

The 3 angels : Aunty BY, Aunty Lilian and Aunty PC
This year, we are abundantly blessed cos we had a special birthday celebration .... Aunty Lilian's birthday ...  hahaha ... so .... we had ... one choc cake, cheese case (baked by Sis Chun Lan) .... alo-vera drink, ribena ... Korean pan cake, herbal egg and someone even blessed Bro Ding with 3 cans of beer! 
The beer to cool off the heat in our bodies

We all had fun in the warmth of the fellowship while smoke gets into our eyes .... :0

For CNY .... there is also reunion dinner for all those who are in JB and do not go anywhere for CNY .... I have personally not attended this since Pastor has graciously allow me to go back before CNY ... and before the jam starts .... 

The during the first day of CNY ... there is a combined service .... which I have also not attended before ....

So, the peng bak kwa session is the session that I enjoy the most .... in this family ....

Looking forward to next session next year ....