Its so interesting ... m sort of like going thru some of my old journals cos to reflect on my 3years journey in TTC and I came across this in my journal, penned down on 2 March 2006. Think this must have been from some book I read or sermon I heard. It comes as a timely reminder as I am preparing to do the cross-over in the next few months to yet another new season in life.
1) Recognize the season of God in your life
When you recognize the season, it helps you to release the pains of the past cos you will realize that God has something new for you.
Interesting ... was I not given Is43:18-19 in my silent retreat in Dec? ("Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.) M surely moving into a new season in life .....
2) Capture the Vision
Get a vision from God and let the vision capture. When you are able to see it, you are able to cross over ...
3) Be in the state of readiness
Be ready to sow ... be ready to take action on your part according to His will
4) Be strong and courageous
New season comes with new battles, different battles from the past. New season also involves traveling on roads that was never travel on, no road maps, not beaten tracks ....
5) Making the right confession
Well, life and death is in the power of the tongue .... pray God will also help us make the right confession in the new season
6) Internalizing God's word
Jos 1:8 - meditate on it day and night .. it will change our conviction to action
7) Be obedient
Your obedience will determines your cross-roads .... obedience is better than all the sacrifices that you bring to God.
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