Yesterday, the printer for our graduation magazine came to take shots for our magazine. It was already quite a hassle and drama trying to arrange all the graduating students to come together .... :0 ... Susanto was very cute .... he went round clicking his camera as he turn his camera all over trying to capture the final moments that we spent together as we come to an end of our journey .... soon .... he was our unofficial photographer .... :0
It was very interesting to observe the many patterns of human beings under the spot light of a camera .... very interesting ....
Some really took pain to dress up and ensure that they look great for the camera, for the moment ... some can't really be bothered ... hehehehe ... Some are just themselves .... cool!
Lian said that he oledi "give face" cos he wore long pants and a collar t-shirt ... his normal school uniform is bermuda shorts and a t-shirt. When he comes to school in proper shirt and slacks ... its just not him, the him that we have been seeing past 3years and we are not used to him in formal attire ... Susanto came with slippers -- why cos he said that he will stand at the back -- so cannot see the feet ... not realizing that its casual shots .. so, his feet may be seen ... so, then he reasoned that slippers (toilet slippers mind you..) are symbol of servanthood - humility ... lol...
It is also very obvious who are the ones who are extremely "excited" and are "overly conscious" of the camera ... and had thrown themselves at every single shot and scene available though it may not be their section.... and made sure that they are in the most prominent visible position with the best post possible .... very very interesting .... and this human behavior knows no cultural, gender nor age boundaries ...
Indeed when one come under the exposure of a camera, one's true inner self is also exposed! The lens seem to have the power expose what is hidden and not seen under our naked eye lens....
Likewise, God's lens also has the power to expose our inner self and inner thoughts ... I wonder what will God see and uncover when we come under His lens? I am consciously reminding myself that "nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account" (Heb 4:13). Its scary to know what's inside of us ... if we are honest with ourselves to take time to know ourselves ... for many times, we don't even know ourselves because we do not take time to get to know ourselves ... we do not take time to listen to our own voice and heart beat .... We all have to give an account to our Maker when our time here on earth expires ... do we know our inner self, our inner thoughts, intent, true agendas, true motives that drives our actions? .... Are we ready to give an account on the Day?
I thank God that He knows how we are formed and we are merely from dust (Ps 103:14), hence, He is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love ... he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. (Ps 103:14,8,10). If not ... we are all gone case people even before we are born as how David claims in Ps 51:5 (Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother conceived me).
Let's pause and thank God that we are still here today, living under His grace for .....
" He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." (Ps 103 : 10-12)
While I await for the Day, I pray that I will be God conscious and not man conscious .... while I await for the Day, may I pause ... to take time to spent time to know who I am ... who I am in Christ Jesus ... and constantly allow God's eyes to reveal and expose my inner life so that I am able to move towards shedding off my sinful fleshly self ... and exchanging it for my new self in Christ Jesus ...
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